Sunday, February 6, 2011

About scam

In Japan, there is scam that everybody calls "Frikome Sagi."  Frikome Sagi are the words that describe the crime of impersonating someone on the phone. It's "Bank Transfer Scams."
 One day, someone calls you like this. "Hello, mom. It's me it's me." he says. "Hello, Jim?" you say. Then "Yes, I'm Jim. the fact that I have an accident and I need to prepare the money immediately. please pay my account as requested." he says. Someone impersonates your son and steal the money. At first this type of scam was called "It's me It's me scam." but criminals use many different tricks. Therefore, name changed now.
 The other case, someone impersonates a police, a lowyer, et cetera. What would you do if you had a phone call like this? Actually, it is difficult to hear the voice on the phone. and make an error in judgment.
 The criminals targets are mainly those elderly that stay at home.
 Recently, "Frikome Sagi" is one of the most common type of fraud in Japan. The scam never seem to end.


  1. 'Sagi' is same word in Korea which has means fraud.

  2. These days 'Furicomi sagi" is elabotating.It's difficult to notice, when we are called com men or con women. We have to pay attention any more.
